The Purpose of Our Association is

To Support and Protect the Defined Benefit Pension Plans of the Following Five Ohio Public Pension Systems: Public Employees, State Teachers, School Employees, Police & Fire, and Highway Patrol.

A sign that says protect ohio pensions from the government.

We Do This

By educating members and legislators on issues that could impact the stability of the funds and their ability to continue providing a meaningful retirement pension and benefit package.​

By educating the public on the cost savings to them; and the economic value to their local communities, by maintaining Ohio’s defined benefit pension programs.​

Protect Ohio Pensions

Pension Fund Experts Research

Our association is led by men and women who have years of pension ​fund legislative experience. They know what to look for, and how to counter any potential threats.

Receive the Facts

As a member, you will receive accurate information that has not been slanted by politicians, special interests, media, and yes, even misinformed friends and neighbors.​​​​​​​​

Protect Ohio Pensions